Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bad Tankmate for Corys

Was at the LFS the other day and I saw a lone croaking gourami in the cory tank. I saw it stalk and thereafter eat the eyes out of a juvy albino cory and after a closer look, I realized that most of the cory's there had fin damage of varying degrees. I bought the gourami but not without telling the salesperson never to keep a croaking gourami with corys.

The next day, there was a skunk botia there where the gourami has been. As you can imagine, it caused double the trouble that the gourami did. There was in fact one bronze cory dead there already. Changing my tactic, I didn't buy the botia and instead told a salesperson that they should never keep a botia with the cory's, pointing at the dead bronze cory for emphasis. Misinformed or just plain cruel, some LFS can be bad news for the fish as much as unconcerned fish buyers can be.

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